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Law review articles:

Christopher J. Morten, Gabriel Nicholas & Salomé Viljoen, Researcher Access to Social Media Data: Lessons from Clinical Trial Data Sharing, 38 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 109 (2024).

Christopher J. Morten, Publicizing Corporate Secrets, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 1319 (2023).

Christopher J. Morten & Amy Kapczynski, The Big Data Regulator, Rebooted: Why and How the FDA Can and Should Disclose Confidential Data on Prescription Drugs and Vaccines, 109 Calif. L. Rev. 493 (2021).

Christopher J. Morten & Charles Duan, Who’s Afraid of Section 1498? A Case for Government Patent Use in Pandemics and Other National Crises, 23 Yale J.L. & Tech. 1 (2020).

Mark J. Abate & Christopher J. Morten, Standing with a Bundle of Sticks: The All Substantial Rights Doctrine in Action28 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 477 (2018).  

Published symposium:

Christopher Morten (moderator); Barry Datlof, Amy Kapczynski, Donna Meuth & Zain Rizvi (panelists), Should the U.S. Government Actively Assert Its Own Patents?, 11 N.Y.U. J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L. 19 (2021).

Shorter articles, book chapters, essays, and blog posts: 

Charles Duan & Christopher J. Morten, Patient Access to Health Device Data: Toward a Legal Framework, in DIGITAL HEALTH CARE OUTSIDE OF TRADITIONAL CLINICAL SETTINGS: ETHICAL, LEGAL AND REGULATORY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES (Julia Adler-Milsten, I. Glenn Cohen, Daniel Kramer & Carmel Shachar, eds., 2024).

Raj Bhargava, Nathan Brown, Amy Kapczynski, Aaron S. Kesselheim, Stephanie Y. Lim & Christopher J. Morten, The Constitutionality of Medicare Drug-Price Negotiation under the Takings Clause, 51 J.L. Med. & Ethics 961-71 (2023).

Christopher J. Morten, The NIH-Moderna Vaccine: Public Science, Private Profit, and Lessons for the Future, 51 S2 J.L. Med. & Ethics 35-40 (2023) (commentary on Ameet Sarpatwari, Public Returns on Public Investment: Moderna’s Violation of the Social Contract).

Ravi Gupta, Christopher J. Morten, Yaqian Zu, Reshma Ramachandran, Nilay D. Shah & Joseph S. Ross, Approvals and Timing of New Formulations of Novel Drugs Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration Between 1995 and 2010 and Followed Through 2021, 3(5) JAMA Health Forum e221096 (May 20, 2022).

Reshma Ramachandran, Christopher J. Morten & Joseph S. Ross, Strengthening the FDA’s Enforcement of ClinicalTrials.gov Reporting Requirements, 326(21) JAMA 2131-32 (November 12, 2021).

Alexander C. Egilman, Amy Kapczynski, Margaret E. McCarthy, Anita T. Luxkaranayagam, Christopher J. Morten, Matthew Herder, Joshua D. Wallach & Joseph S. Ross, Transparency of regulatory data across the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and US Food and Drug Administration, 49 J.L. Med. & Ethics 456 (October 19, 2021).

Christopher J. Morten, Zain Rizvi & Ameet Sarpatwari, President Biden Already Has The COVID Vaccine Recipe. He Should Share It, Health Affairs Blog (September 22, 2021).

Christopher Morten, TransUnion Is a Double-Edged Sword. Should the Legal Left Wield It?, LPE Blog (September 20, 2021).

Christopher Morten & Matthew Herder, We Can’t Trust Big Pharma To Make Enough Vaccines, The Nation (May 31, 2021).

Chris Morten, XOXO Science, in 1996 (Matt Keegan ed., 2020).

Christopher Morten & Charles Duan, Who’s Afraid of Section 1498?: Government Patent Use as Versatile Policy Tool, guest post on Written Description (April 24, 2020). 

Christopher J. Morten, Amy Kapczynski, Harlan M. Krumholz & Joseph S. Ross, To Help Develop The Safest, Most Effective Coronavirus Tests, Treatments, And Vaccines, Ensure Public Access To Clinical Research Data, Health Affairs Blog (March 26, 2020).

Matthew Herder, Christopher J. Morten & Peter Doshi, Integrated Drug Reviews at the US Food and Drug Administration—Legal Concerns and Knowledge Lost, 180(5) JAMA Intern Med 629-30 (March 2, 2020), doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.0074.

Christopher J. Morten, Aaron S. Kesselheim & Joseph S. Ross, The Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling on Drug Liability and its Implications for Future Failure-to-Warn Litigation, 47 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 783 (January 19, 2020).

Alexander C. Egilman, Joshua D. Wallach, Christopher J. Morten, Peter Lurie & Joseph S. Ross, Systematic overview of Freedom of Information Act requests to the Department of Health and Human Services from 2008 to 2017, 4 Research Integrity & Peer Review 26 (2019).

Christopher J. Morten & Amy Kapczynski, United States v. Gilead: Can a Lawsuit Yield Better Access To PrEP?, Health Affairs Blog (November 18, 2019).

Christopher J. Morten & Amy Kapczynski, Assessing Drug Pricing Reform Proposals: The Real Leverage and Benefits of Competitive Licensing, Health Affairs Blog (November 4, 2019).

Cynthia Lambert Hardman, Marta E. Delsignore & Christopher J. Morten, Forum Selection Clauses Can Doom PTAB Review, Law360 (April 20, 2018).

Cynthia Lambert Hardman, Marta E. Delsignore & Christopher J. Morten, Inter Partes Review Estoppel Takes Shape, Law360 (January 9, 2017).

Christopher Morten, Motion Practice In Inter Partes Review, Lexology (Aug. 19, 2014).

Op eds and advocacy:

Christopher Morten, Ben Anderson, Charles Duan, Gregg Gonsalves, Cynthia M. Ho, Amy Kapczynski, Jordan Paradise, Reshma Ramachandran, Joseph S. Ross, Michael S. Sinha, Anthony D. So, Liza Vertinsky & Kiran Zelbo, Gilead’s short-term win threatens the future of pharmaceutical public-private partnerships, STAT News (Feb. 12, 2025)

Amy Kapczynski, Reshma Ramachandran & Christopher Morten, How Not To Do Industrial Policy, Boston Review (October 2, 2023)

Dana Brown & Christopher Morten, Public pharma is the best solution to the ongoing problem of drug shortages, STAT News (Aug. 9, 2023)

Ava Alkon, Christopher Morten & Reshma Ramachandran, Are high-cost prescription drugs the price of innovation? Disclose the costs of clinical trials, The Hill (Apr. 21, 2022).

Christopher J. Morten, Reshma Ramachandran, Joseph S. Ross & Amy Kapczynski, 55 years to fulfill a records request? Clearly, the FDA needs serious reform of its data-sharing practices., The Washington Post (December 13, 2021).

Gregg Gonsalves, Christopher Morten, Reshma Ramachandran & Joseph Ross, The FDA is in desperate need of some soul-searching, The Washington Post (June 17, 2021).

Christopher Morten, Christian Antonio Urrutia & Zain Rizvi, Pharma’s secrecy hinders global COVID-19 vaccination. Joe Biden could fix that, The Boston Globe (June 1, 2021).

Christopher Morten, To Invent Our Way Beyond COVID-19, We Need Open Science, Common Dreams (Sept. 17, 2020).

Dana Brown & Christopher Morten, Four Steps to Transform the Pharmaceutical Industry and Survive the Pandemic, In These Times (Sept. 10, 2020).

Dana Brown, Alex Lawson, Christopher Morten & Fran Quigley, Reclaim Public Medicine for Public Health, Common Dreams (Aug. 20, 2020).

Carrie Teicher & Christopher J. Morten, We need strings attached!, Medium (Aug. 5, 2020).

Christopher Morten, Christian Urrutia & James Krellenstein, A powerful law gives HHS the right to take control of remdesivir manufacturing and distribution, STAT (July 2, 2020).

Chris Morten & Alex Moss, Could a patent get in between you and a Covid-19 test? Yes, The Guardian (May 20, 2020).

Christopher Morten & Charles Duan, The tension between public health and patents in the era of Covid-19, STAT (April 14, 2020).

Christopher Morten, Peter G. Lurie & Charles Seife, Lost opportunities from FDA, NIH inaction when sponsors fail to report clinical trial results, STAT (April 13, 2020).

Shweta Kumar, Christopher Morten & Joseph J. Ross, Promoting clinical trial transparency through the courts: A strategic lawsuit against the FDA, TranspariMED Blog (Oct. 23, 2019).

Letter to the editor:

Christopher J. Morten & Peter Maybarduk, letter to the editor re “The Remdesivir Patent Isn’t State Property,” The Wall Street Journal (Sept. 8, 2020).
